Monday, December 3, 2012

Why start a blog?

Wow, this is harder than I thought!  I have been wanting to start a blog for about 2 years and for some reason I never went with it.  I thought a Vlog would be fun but I never find myself camera ready or in the mood to get "camera ready".  Tonight I forget about the video and just TYPE! 

This blog is not about introducing ME it's about introducing MY BLOG!  I'm sure you will learn more about me as I continue to write but for now I want to tell you my ideas for this blog.  About a year ago I started  a residential organizing business and called it Little Yellow Ranch Residential Organizing (or LYRRO as my husband and I refer to it).  After bringing the ideas for my business to my friends it was clear how many people could benefit from what I do.  When you have small children, as I and most of my friends do, it is difficult to find the time to keep up with all of the stuff you accumulate and clear out the unused items on a regular basis.  Throw on top of that a SMALL house and you have a recipe for disaster.

Recently I have discovered the motto:  The fewer items you have the fewer items you have to clean

We moved into the house (the Little Yellow Ranch) in late 2007.  That's right the market was about half way tanked and we bought a house.  I wanted so badly to expand our family of 3 and for that we needed another bedroom.  SO we moved from our 2 bed/1 bath apt with no yard to this 3 bed/1 bath house.  Important note: Square footage of both places is the SAME (without the basement we later finished).

The next couple of years are what I will be writing about in this blog.  After having that second child (who, by the way, comes with all her own clothes, toys and opinions for how things are done) I have had to get creative in how we "set up" our home.  Between pairing down both in scale and amount of stuff AND finding storage anywhere you can get it I have been having fun with the challenge.

Between the closets, empty spaces, "finished" unfinished basement, kitchen, sun room, garage, etc in this house there is A LOT to write about.  I hope to incorporate my personal projects and business projects into this blog.  This blog is not just about organizing its about improving your lifestyle and surrounding by fitting your home and finding time for you family.  The less stuff you have the less time you have to spend cleaning it!

'Til Next time